Our Fall Entry ...

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Greetings, everyone!

Is it beginning to feel more like Fall where you are ?!  It's beautiful here in the mornings, but it has still been pretty h.o.t. here in the afternoons.  Not for much longer, I'm sure! 

This year, I opted for the "less is more" theme for our entry alcove!  As much as I LOVE including bales of hay, corn/sugarcane stalks, lanterns and scattered faux pumpkins in our alcove, I thought I'd give our blower, broom and my nerves a break this year from constantly having to: sweep up/blow the *bazillion* strands of hay that wind up ALL over the entry ... clean up melted candles from inside the lanterns ... and run (while screaming LOUDLY) from scary little HUGE lizards that like to hide in the corn stalks and jump out at me while I'm cleaning up said *bazillion* strands of hay and melted candles!  LOL.

Anyhoooo ... here it is ... simplicity (please exuse the tacky orange cord):

One thing I *did* do again were pumpkin topiaries ... except, this time, I placed a white pumpkins in the middle for a bit of contrast and fun.  Grapevine wreaths, Dollar Tree garland and strands of raffia sit at the base of them:

Making an encore appearance (from when I recently shared the custom wreaths I've been making for others), here's our Jax's "Mr. Boo" wreath that I made ... love how the glittery silver polka dots sparkle in the afternoon sun:

To add a splash of Fall to our fountain, I placed natural guords and pumpkins in it (can you say "paint me" please):

LOVE the different textures of the guords:

A Fall flag blows in the wind behind one of the beautiful Mums I picked up at Lowes:

Annnnnd, a few "faux" pumpkins rest on the mulch (which we desperately need to "top off"): 

Well, folks, that's our humble entry ... here's to an easy cleanup and NOOOO scary lizards! 

I'm linking up with:

Thrifty Decor Chick/Fall Outdoor Spaces
Kristen's Creations/Share Your Creations
At the Picket Fence/Inspiration Friday
French Country Cottage/Feathered Nest Friday
Coastal Charm/Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Thanks for stopping by,

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