B is for Beads!

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Happy Thursday ... another week is almost done!  Well, it's still gloomy here in South Carolina; however, the sun is supposed to return tomorrow (yay)!  So, while I'm enjoying an evening inside, I thought I'd join Jenny Matlock for her fun Alphabe-Thursday party.  This week, the letter is "B" ... so I've chosen "Beads." 

As I mentioned in my last post (sharing my Fall mantel), I was determined to add a beaded garland this year; however, I simply couldn't find one a.ny.where!  I am NOT a crafty chick; however, I realized that if I *really* wanted the look I was going after, I was going to have to make the garland myself.  *Heavy sigh*

Off to Michael's I went.  There, in the jewelry section, I was pleasantly surprised to find these little beauties!!  The colors were perfect for the natural look I wanted:

So, while watching my favorite(!) show, Modern Family, I simply threaded the beads randomly onto picture frame wire.  I chose this type of wire so that it would withstand the collective weight of the beads, and also allow me to manipulate the wire into the shape I wanted.

And voila:

While it's certainly not going to be featured in Martha Stewart's Living magazine (lol), I'm happy with how it turned out ... mainly because it was super easy and inexpensive!

Thanks for stopping by,

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