Le Chateaux ...

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Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!  We had a fun-filled weekend, for sure!  Let's see, we hosted a small gathering to celebrate my sweet and handsome hubby's birthday:

ate WAY too much:

and played on the beach with awesome friends (Jax loved "flying" into the water) ... oh to be young and "simple" again:

I'm sure you'll agree that it went by much too quickly!

Well, I must give a *HA-UGE* thank you to all of you who commiserated with me by admitting that, you too, also suffer from "DJS" in my recent post !!  I'm just glad that we can all suffer together ... aren't you?  I look forward to sharing many other decorating ailments in the future (as well as my made up Chinese proverbs)!  LOL

I'm keeping it simple today by sharing another chalk paint redo.  Some of you will gasp when you see that I painted over such a pretty piece (in fact, I was almost afraid to share the before pic); however, as much as I loved it, the parrots needed to fly back into the woods. 

After adding a coat of AS Old White, I then added two coats of Chateaux Grey.  

Even though it's called "grey," it really is more green, which is why I chose it ... I wanted to compliment the green in my accent chairs; which, I'm not sure why I did that because I have a tiny feeling that these chairs will be moved, covered or magically disappear before my very eyes in the near future:

Of course, I pulled out my sandpaper and distressed it a bit here and there to expose the Old White (is chalk paint the easiest to distress or what?!):

I then painted the hardware Old White and then added a bit of Gold Leaf Rub 'n Buff:

I love how it changes colors, depending on the light.  I'm hoping that you can see how it looks more green here:

versus how it looks more grey from this angle: 

I'm enjoying the new look ... again, sorry parrots ... enjoy your freedom!  And, while my paintbrush is still wet, I'm going to take a peek around and see what else needs a facelift.  Hmmmmmm ???

Have a great day!

I'm off to party at these fabulous blogs:

Dittle Dattle/Amaze Me Monday
BNOTP/Metamorphosis Monday
Savvy Southern Style/WUW
Miss Mustard Seed/Furniture Feature Friday
Thrifty Decor Chick/Before and After Party
Shades of Amber/AS Chalk Paint Party
Perfectly Imperfect/All Things Furniture

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