Fall in the Kitchen!

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Happy Halloween!  Do you have your bucket of candy ready by the front door?  Are you dressing up?  Jax can't wait to turn into Batman!  John and I won't be dressing up tonight ... we had our fun this past weekend at a fabulous party hosted by our great neighbors.  Can you guess who we are?!  The super cool stick on bling letters on my purse should give you a hint.  LOL

I thought I'd inundate you with our Fall kitchen today ... hope you're not busy because I've included a *la-hot* of pics:

I love adding huge arrangements to the island and thought a copper vase might be a nice Fall accent, too (found at Home Goods):

A glass vase I had on hand holds a battery operated candle that I wrapped in twine and nestled in corn.  In the background, you can see a simple lantern filled with pumpkins, guords and leaves:

Splashes of Fall fill this side of the kitchen, too:

I used my fancy schmancy cheap-o craft scissors (from Michaels) to cut labels for the canisters ... I then wrote on them with my chalkpaint markers and attached them with just a drop of hot glue:

And, of course, you *have* to have a yummy candle burning!  My faves are by Slatkin & Co. (from Bath and Body Works) ... currently burning "Spice."  Bath and Body works also now sells these cute metal candle holders with many different holiday versions to choose from ...

I found this cute red roo at Kirkland's:

And, up above, our soffit is filled with white pumpkins, wheat and muted Fall garland, which I tucked lights into, as well.  Love seeing it lit up at night:

Moving on around, another counter holds more Fall embellishments.  As you can see, here's another roo, but I've sadly suffocated this one in glass cloche (sorry, little fella):

More canisters are filled with items and colors that remind me of Fall:

And, over on the other side, I'm SO loving my new DIY shelves!

Yup, I've already re-tweaked the shelves since I first showed them to you last week (surprise, surprise):

I found the picture at GoodWill for $2!  I really only wanted it for the chunky "beat up" frame, but decided to keep the pear art in there for now:

Another Good Will score is the large, round wicker platter.  I bought 2 of them for $3!  I also decided to fill a cream pitcher with tall branches to balance the height of the items on the soffit on the other side:

Down below on the counter is a simple vignette:

You *know* I'm enjoying our new scale:

Of course, a Fall kitchen wouldn't be complete without REAL flowers full of rich color (from my sweet hubby):

Thanks so much for visiting our Fall kitchen:


Come on and join me at these wonderful linky parties:

Dittle Dattle/Amaze Me Monday
BNOTP/Metamorphosis Monday
Coastal Charm/Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia/Tuesday's Treasures
Savvy Southern Style/WUW
At the Picket Fence/Inspiration Friday
2805/Potpourri Friday
Common Ground/Vintage Inspiration Friday

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